Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Every Now and Then

Received this note from a past student - I have removed the name to protect the innocent.

You probably won't remember me but my name is K. B. I was on the first Slam U team to represent Cleveland in San Fransico at the Brave New Voices poetry slam; along with, Chris Webb, Jessica, and Shawn Wright. I don't know if I ever told you thank you but I truly appreciate that experience and all the time you spent helping us to become better writers, speakers,thinkers, poets. What you taught me about performing is still embedded in me to this day.

This too was engrain in mind: "people's number one fear is speaking public . Number two is death."

Again thank you!!!!

K. B.
 That'll perk you up for a day or so.

Here's a picture of a squirrel just for the hell of it.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

I'm not dead yet...


Well - Sara and I curated a Before I Die event in Slavic Village. See the post preceding this one for more details - in the meantime here are some pics from the day.

Every now and then this old T-shirt I got working at Playhouse Square comes in handy.

 The foor traffic was steady throughout the day - it was fun to watch folks faces change from suspiscion as to what we were up to - to deep thinking about what they might write on the wall.

 Along with travel, family was mentioned a lot.

Here's the crew from the Cleveland Leadership Center Boot Camp - who were the impetus of the Cleveland version of "Before I Die". Earl Pike, the main instigator, is center with arms crossed while co-conspiritor Christy is second row - fourth from the right.

 Some of the messages were very poignant. 

 Sara directing some of our visitors as they make their pacts with the universe.

Boot campers umloading and erecting the installation @ 7:15am!
