Thursday, January 1, 2009

Adios 2008!

2008 has been a remarkable year and I am glad it is over.

We logged a butt load of travel miles in ’08 – Kazakhstan, Java, Bali, Turkey, Singapore and Egypt plus various locales in the US. We’ve been attacked by monkeys, crawled inside pyramids, paid bribes to various public officials, eaten horse and camel meat, sailed on the Nile, woke up to call to prayers, chased a snake through a rice paddy, met thousands of school kids and scores of teachers, taken and led and listened to workshops and keynote addresses, made new friends, had a couple books published, ran some triathlons, painted the garage, planted a garden, had a kid grow up and move out of the house, driven through blizzards and witnessed an historic presidential election.

We also lost loved ones – some needlessly too soon, others whose lifelong presences will be missed – each leaving a hole. We’ve seen stock markets swallow savings and watched violence erupt and boil in some of the places we have visited over the years, we’ve been disappointed by folks and organizations we trusted and watched family members face their own crisis wishing we could do more.

But – we’re still here, moving forward.

This has been a remarkable year – the highs have been stratospheric – the lows subterranean.

Good bye ’08 – thanks for the memories – now don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

’09 – bring it on.


Unknown said...

At least Obama is president. That's about all I can come away with from 2008. It has to be a sign of good things to come, right? Well, its a start.

sara holbrook said...

Hard to make sense of it all. There is no formula to add up this list to reach a single negative or positive sum. Good list, though.
